Benefits of Membership in the MLTA
The Minnesota Land Title Association (MLTA) is a highly specialized professional association that offers its members a number of benefits available exclusively through MLTA. Major benefits include:
- Educational seminars and opportunities offered throughout the year
- Coordinated real estate legislative & regulatory efforts (proposing, lobbying and monitoring legistlation)
- Liaison efforts with County officials, other real estate industry organizations, and regulatory officials
- Outstanding website with Members Only section
- Interactive Map/Directory exposure on the MLTA website
- Online Abstracting Standards Manual
- Continual industry news updates for members
- Volunteer committees working in the following areas: Legislative, Education, Technology, County Recorders Liaison, and Membership & Public Relations
- Contact with members of your industry
Make a commitment to your profession and gain a competitive edge – Join today!
Membership is open to individuals and companies involved in the production and evaluation of real estate title information, in escrow/closing/settlement services, and in affiliated professions, within the State of Minnesota.
"Active" Membership consists of abstracters, title insurance companies, title insurance agents, and real estate closing agents licensed in Minnesota, who subscribe to and adhere to the Association’s Bylaws & Code of Ethics.
"Associate" Membership is reserved for persons or firms who are in related professions engaged in providing services to the land title industry in Minnesota. Examples include but are not limited to: Attorneys, Surveyors, Government Agencies, Lenders, Realtors, Builders, Vendors, etc.
Or apply online: